Sports Injury Treatment

Generally speaking, the role of a sports medicine physician is to aid athletes of all ages when they suffer an injury doing any type of physical activity. Their goal is to get the patient back in action as quickly and safely as possible. Sports injury doctor manages many physical conditions, including musculoskeletal disorders, musculoskeletal spasm treatment, and musculoskeletal pain. They also provide tennis elbow physical therapy, rehabilitation in sports, and sports injury physiotherapy. Qualified acupuncturists can also perform an effective role in the treatment of musculoskeletal pain treatment, sports injury treatment, and sports physical therapy. The acupuncturist also treats foot injuries, musculoskeletal strain neck, and also treat a pulled hamstring

Home Remedy of Sports Injury

If you do not have any symptoms of a serious injury, it is probably safe to treat the injury at home—at least at first. If pain or other symptoms persist or worsen, you should check with a healthcare provider for sports therapy. Acupuncture can support pain management of golf elbow treatment, treatment for leg pain after running, and tennis elbow supportive therapy. Use of the R-I-C-E method to relieve pain and inflammation and to speed healing:

Rest : Limit activities that involve using the injured area for at least a day or two. Try to avoid putting weight on or using the injured joint or limb.

Ice : Apply an ice pack to the injured area for 20 minutes at a time, four to eight times a day. Use a cold pack, ice bag, or plastic bag filled with crushed ice and wrapped in a towel. To avoid cold injury and frostbite, do not apply the ice for more than 20 minutes. (Note: Do not use heat immediately after an injury. This tends to increase internal bleeding or swelling. Heat can be used later to relieve muscle tension and promote relaxation.)

Compression : Keeping pressure on the injured area may help reduce swelling. An elastic bandage works well, but do not wrap it so tightly that it cuts off the circulation.

Elevation : If possible, keep the injured ankle, knee, elbow, or wrist elevated on a pillow, above the level of the heart, to help decrease swelling.

Other treatments may include medicine for injury available over-the-counter anti-inflammatory and, rarely, medications, which can help treat pain and swelling.

Treatments of Serious Sports Injuries

You should see one of the sports injury clinics or acupuncturists if you have symptoms of serious sports injury treatment. These symptoms include:

  • Being unable to tolerate any weight on the area.
  • An obvious deformity.
  • Severe pain, swelling, or bruising.
  • Pain and swelling do not go away after a few days

Immediate immobilization is a common treatment for musculoskeletal sports injuries, and it can be done right away by an athletic trainer or paramedic. Immobilization limits movement in the area and enables the blood to flow more directly to the injury (or the site of surgical repair to an injury). Immobilization reduces pain, swelling, and muscle spasms and helps the healing process begin of injuries. Most people only need immobilization for a limited time. Acupuncture sports injury pain treatment may provide immediate relief. Acupuncture may also aid pain management in the postoperative period.

Following are some devices used for immobilization:

Slings, to immobilize the upper body, including the arms and shoulders.

Splints, braces, and casts, support and protect injured bones and soft tissue. Splints and braces generally offer less support and protection than a cast, so they are not always a treatment option.

Surgery is needed in some cases to repair torn connective tissues or to realign fractured bones. The vast majority of musculoskeletal sports injuries do not require surgery.


After the injury has healed, you may need to complete a rehabilitation program before returning to the activity that caused the injury. A physical therapist or physiatrist will make a plan aimed at rebuilding the strength and range of motion of the injured part of the body and easing any residual pain. For example, after tennis elbow, physiotherapy patients must be able to use their hands well for routine work and sports. Most rehabilitation plans include exercises that you do at home, in addition to those you do in the therapist's office. The therapist may also treat the injured area with cold, heat, ultrasound, aquatic, or massage therapy. A rehabilitation program can help you return to your previous level of activity and reduce the chance of re-injury.

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Acupuncture Treatment of Sports Injury

Acupuncture has proven to be a valuable, non-invasive, and conservative method for managing sports injuries such as lateral meniscus rupture, femoral acetabular impingement, ganglion cysts, and sports hernia, by relieving short-term pain and promoting recovery from dysfunction. Moreover, cases suggest that acupuncture may be beneficial in treating other conditions, including yips and delayed onset muscle soreness, indicating the potential of acupuncture for various types of sports injuries beyond musculoskeletal disorders. At our Dr. Pardeshi Acupuncture centre we are treating sports injuries regularly successfully.


Sports medicine doctors, orthopaedic consultants, or acupuncturists can treat sports injuries.
Google from your place for a sports injury doctor or acupuncturist. Choose from those who are qualified and reputed from ratings.
The best treatment depends upon the type of injury and severity. Initial pain management can be done by over-the-counter medicines or acupuncture for sports injuries.
Sports injury is an injury during sports. Treatment depends upon type and extent.
There is no fast or slow way of treating sports injuries. There is Only right way to treat depending upon the seriousness of the situation
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Treat your Sports Injuries by acupuncture with an MD specialist doctor with 40 years of experience at a modern 4.5 star* rated clinic with dedicated staff in Nashik.

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